Join Our Club
Forrest Park Croquet Club is always welcoming new members.
Whether you are super competitive or just looking for some social fun, we are the croquet club for you. With a diverse range of people of all ages, we maintain a busy schedule of both competitive and social events.
We actively encourage our members to help out and volunteer where possible with croquet parties, playing events and light maintenance, which helps foster new friendships and camaraderie within the club.
If you’re interested in becoming a member of Forrest Park Croquet Club and enjoy all the benefits of our great club, simply click here!

Membership Information
Annual membership for Forrest Park Croquet Club is $300. This provides you with full membership from 1 August of the current year to 31 July.
Your membership entitles you to play on all club days and play in club championships. You will also be given full access to the club at all other times for practice or to bring friends along to enjoy a game of croquet. There is a Visitor Fee of $10 per player.
As well as the annual membership fee, there is a green fee. Green fees can either be paid up front for the year, $400 paid with your annual membership, or pay as you go, at a cost of $10 per visit.
Partial year memberships are also available depending on when your membership commences.
As a member you are automatically affiliated with Croquetwest, and you can play occasionally at any club in WA (there are over 25 state-wide), with a green fee payable to that club.